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    An Expert by Your Side

    Remote support for CPR through augmented reality

    Augmented Reality
    Computer Vision
    Smart textiles
    Year: 2015

    In a sudden cardiac arrest situation, remote assistance through AR has value for two reasons. First, an expert who can see the physical scene can provide much better support than an expert who is only connected by telephone. Second, through augmentation the remote expert can instruct the first responder visually. Such informed, professional guidance saves time, which is crucial in case of cardiac arrest.
    In this project, we envisage a future in which AEDs are equipped with augmented reality glasses. Using these, the first responder can make a connection with a remote expert in a 911 team. The expert gets to see a live video stream from the first responder’s AR glasses, allowing him to assess the situation. Using a touch screen, the expert manipulates the guidance shown on the AR glasses to indicate where to place the resuscitation pads and where to perform chest compressions. Animations show the required speed and depth of compression. Every step of the way, the expert can verify whether the responder follows his instructions correctly and can provide reassurance.

    The first responder wearing AR glasses.