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    An emotion mirror for online traders

    Galvanic skin response
    Single curved display
    Double curved display
    Glancable products
    Year: 2009
    DeSForM 2009, Taiwan

    Philips and ABN AMRO joined forces in the development of Rationalizer, a product concept which aims to support serious home investors who trade online. Investors are typically driven by two emotions, fear and greed, which can compromise their ability to take an objective, factual stance. Rationalizer acts as a kind of ‘emotion mirror’ in which the user sees the intensity of his feelings reflected in the form of dynamic lighting patterns. An intense reflection alerts the user when it may be wise to take a time-out, wind down and re-consider his actions, enabling him to take financial decisions which are less emotionally charged and more rationally founded.

    Rationalizer consists of two components: the EmoBracelet and the EmoBowl. The EmoBracelet measures the intensity of the user’s emotion, also known as the arousal level, through a galvanic skin response sensor. This arousal level is rendered as a dynamic light pattern on either the EmoBracelet itself or on the EmoBowl. The higher the user’s arousal level, the more intense the dynamic light pattern becomes: the number of graphic elements in the pattern increases, their speed increases and—in the case of the EmoBowl—their colour shifts from a soft yellow via orange to a deep red.

    The EmoBracelet in ambient mode, corresponding to low arousal.

    The EmoBracelet flaring up to alert mode, corresponding to high arousal.


    The EmoBowl in ambient mode, corresponding to low arousal.

    The EmoBowl flaring up to alert mode, corresponding to high arousal.

    EmoBracelet and EmoBowl.

    Holes being milled in the Emobowl to accommodate the light guides.

    The Emobowl is facetted underneath to facilitate mounting of the light guides and PCBs which are flat.

    Emobowl with one of the eight light guide ‘pie pieces’.

    Acrylic light guides allow the light to flow from the LEDs on the PCB to the surface of the bowl.