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    Play your skills, relax your mind

    Motion detection
    Year: 2008
    DeSForM 2008, Germany

    This modern day re-interpretation of the well-known Chinese baoding balls helps the user to relax in a playful manner. The user interacts with the MindSpheres by making them orbit each other in the palm of the hand. The aim when playing with MindSpheres is to twirl them as smoothly as possible. Focusing on this skilled task provides a playful diversion which helps the user to relax mentally. At the same time, achieving such smooth hand movements is only possible when the mind is in a state of relaxed contemplation: it is not until the mind becomes quiet that the movements start to flow. While twirling, the MindSpheres  detect and analyse their movements in real-time. Changes in the smoothness of movement cause changes in the light and vibration feedback pattern of each MindSphere. At first, when the user’s movements are jerky and incoherent, the feedback is random. Yet the smoother the user twirls the MindSpheres and the longer the user manages to sustain this smoothness, the more structured, restful, beautiful and mesmerising the feedback patterns become. We see MindSpheres as a concept which takes a holistic approach to relaxation. Instead of treating physical and mental relaxation separately it builds upon the very relationship between body and mind.