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    Augmented reality guidance for self-testing blood at home

    Augmented Reality
    Computer vision
    3D printing
    Year: 2014
    DIS2016, Australia

    Mime is a tablet-based augmented reality system which guides new chemotherapy patients through testing their blood at home. Through animated virtual objects, the patient is shown the best order to use the disposables. Mime always shows the next step, enabling the patient to simply copy. Once a step has been completed, Mime automatically advances to the next one.
    This patented approach shows AR’s potential for smart manuals providing in-situ guidance. The system knows the use protocol and can show which objects need to be where in what order. The system can also track whether the user did indeed follow up the instructions and whether he or she did so in time. When the user picks up the wrong object, places it incorrectly or responds too late, the system shows animations to help the user get back on track.