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    Virtual Trainer

    A low-cost AR simulation of an SCA emergency

    Augmented Reality
    Computer Vision
    Smart textiles
    Year: 2015
    DIS2016, Australia

    A sudden cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival decreases with 10% for each minute without cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Considering that Dutch law stipulates a maximum ambulance arrival time of 15 minutes, it is essential that victims receive bystander help in the meantime.

    However, according to medical literature, bystanders will only help if they have had training. The most common way to learn CPR is with a manikin, a dummy AED and instruction by an emergency care professional. Manikins are expensive (i.e. €250-€1500) as is professional coaching. This limits the number of people who participate in CPR training.

    To reduce the cost of CPR training, we developed a simulator with a virtual coach. In this concept, a trainee can rehearse an SCA situation using an interactive cloth laid down in front of a TV. The cloth is printed with a life-sized manikin and AED. A smartphone, suspended above the interactive cloth, tracks the trainee’s actions and displays AR guidance on the TV. Though the manikin and AED are flat, they have tangible qualities where it matters, allowing the trainee to practise pad placement and chest compressions. At the end, trainees get a summary of their performance.

    The Virtual Trainer kit: the folded cloth and camera.