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Design research publications

Here you can find my design research papers on industrial design, interaction design and experience design. Most of these were the result of a research through design approach. I have had the privilege to write together with colleagues from a wide variety of disciplines including management, psychology, anthropology, physics, computer science, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and design engineering. I take pride in finding the thread of an argument and ‘wordsmithing’ a manuscript till this thread comes out best.

Decorative image of BiC Cristal pen. This disposable pen was introduced in December 1950 and is the best-selling pen in the world, with the 100 billionth sold in September 2006.
  1. Buur, J., Kjærsgaard, M., Fellegi, F., Schaldemose, S.,and Djajadiningrat, T. (2023). Theory instruments: Helping designers see the invisible, in Holmlid, S., Rodrigues, V., Westin, C., Krogh, P. G., Mäkelä, M., Svanaes, D., Wikberg-Nilsson, Å (eds.), Nordes 2023: This Space Intentionally Left Blank, 12-14 June, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden.
  2. Neutelings, I., Levy, P., Djajadiningrat, T., & Hummels, C. (2017). Enhancing co-responsibility for patient engagement. The Design Journal, 20:sup1.
  3. Djajadiningrat, T., Chao, P.Y., Kim, S., Van Leengoed, M., & Raijmakers, J. (2016). Mime: an AR-based system helping patients to test their blood at home. Conference proceedings of DIS 2016, 347-359. Brisbane, June 4-8, 2016.
  4. Djajadiningrat, T., Lui, P., Chao, P.Y., & Richard, C. (2016). Virtual Trainer: a low cost AR simulation of a sudden cardiac arrest emergency. Conference proceedings of DIS 2016, 607-618. Brisbane, June 4-8, 2016.
  5. Gardien, P., Djajadiningrat, T., Hummels, C., & Brombacher, A. (2014). Changing your hammer: the implications of paradigmatic innovation for design practice. International Journal of Design, Vol. 8(2), 119-139.
  6. Knoester, J., Djajadiningrat, T., & Ross, P. (2012). Fluenci: The expression of expressing. Proceedings of DeSForM 2012: Meaning.Matter.Making, 46-51. Wellington, April 18-20, 2012.
  7. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Geurts, L., & De Bont, J. (2012). Table manners: the influence of context of gestural meaning. Proceedings of DeSForM 2012: Meaning.Matter.Making, 27-32. Wellington, April 18-20, 2012.
  8. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Geurts, L., De Bont, J., & Chao, P.Y. (2012). Grace: a gesture controlled wake-up light. Proceedings of DeSForM 2012: Meaning.Matter.Making, 130-136. Wellington, April 18-20, 2012.
  9. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Geurts, L., Munniksma, P., & Christiaansen, G. (2009). Rationalizer: an emotion mirror for online traders. Proceedings of DeSForM 2009, 39-48. Taipei, October 26-27, 2009.
  10. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Geurts, L., Christiaansen, G., & Kyffin, S. (2008). MindSpheres: play your skills, relax your mind. Proceedings of DeSForM 2008, 92-96. Offenbach am Main, November 2008.
  11. Van Nierop, O.A., Van der Helm, A., Overbeeke, C.J., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2008). A natural human hand-model. The Visual Computer, 24(1), 31-44.
  12. Matthews, B., Stienstra, M. & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2008). Emergent interaction: creating spaces for play. Design Issues, 24(3), 58-71.
  13. Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Kyffin, S.H.M. (2007). Disintermediating the PC: A product centric view on Web 2.0. DPPI2007, 516-519. Helsinki, August 22-25, 2007.
  14. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Matthews, B., Stienstra, M. (2007). Easy doesn’t do it: skill and expression in tangible aesthetics. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (11), 657-676.
  15. Jensen, M.V., Buur, J., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2005). Designing the user actions in tangible interaction. Proceedings of the 4th decennial conference on Critical computing: between sense and sensibility CC ‘05, 9-18. Aarhus, Denmark, August 20-24, 2005.
  16. Kyffin, S.H.M., Feijs, L.M.G., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2005). Exploring expression of form, action and interaction. HOIT2005, 171-192. York, April 13-15, 2005.
  17. Frens, J.W., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2004). Rich Interaction: issues. EUSAI2004, 271-278. Eindhoven, November 8-11, 2004.
  18. Wensveen, S.A.G., Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Kyffin, S.H.M. (2004). Freedom of fun, freedom of interaction. Interactions Magazine, September + October, 59-61.
  19. Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Stienstra, M. (2004). Programming the BasicStamp using MacBS2. MacTech Magazine, 20(5), 22-32.
  20. Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2004). Developing Electronic Hardware on MacOSX: Schematic Capture and PCB Routing. MacTech Magazine, 20(5), 75-77.
  21. Haperen, van, B.J.A., Vink, P., Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Lee, S.H. (2004). Concept of a future Nissan car interior. In: P. Vink. Comfort and Design: Principles and Good Practices. Taylor and Francis, 263-280.
  22. Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2004). PIC Microcontroller programming on MacOSX using a VOTI Wisp628 with Jal and XWisp. MacTech, 20(2), 32-41.
  23. Wensveen, S.A.G., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2004). Interaction frogger: A design framework to couple action and function through feedback and feedforward. DIS2004, 177-184.
  24. Buur, J., Jensen, M.V., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2004). Hands-only scenarios and video action walls – novel methods for tangible user interaction design. DIS2004, 185-192. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1-4 August 2004.
  25. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Wensveen, S.A.G., Frens, J.W., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2004). Tangible products: Redressing the balance between appearance and action. Special Issue on Tangible Interaction of the Journal for Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8:294-309.
  26. Frens, J.W., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2003). Form, Interaction and Function, An Exploratorium for Interactive Products. Proceedings of the 6th ADC, Tsukuba, Oct. 14-17, 2003, CD-Rom.
  27. Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2003). 3D for free using the Mac’s Standard Apps. MacTech, 19(5), 56-65.
  28. Pedersen, J., Buur, J., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2003). Field design sessions: Augmenting whose reality? International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. Special Issue: Augmented Reality – Usability and Collaborative Aspect, 16(3), 461-476.
  29. Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, J.P., Hummels, C.C.M., Wensveen, S.A.G., & Frens, J.W. (2003). Let’s Make Things Engaging. In: Blythe, M.A., Overbeeke, C.J., Monk, A.F., & Wright, P.C. (Eds) Funology: From Usability to Enjoyment. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 7-18.
  30. Kjaersgaard, M., Pedersen, J., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2003). A lost cause: The ever improving developer’s map. Proceedings of CHI2003, 642-643. Ft. Lauderdale, 5-10 April 2003.
  31. Wensveen, S.A.G., Overbeeke, C.J., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2002). Push me, shove me and I show you how you feel. Proceedings of DIS2002, 335-340.
  32. Frens, J.W., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2002) Cubby+ Exploring interaction. Interaction design portfolios. Proceedings of CHI2002, 135-140. Minneapolis, 20-25 April 2002.
  33. Frens, J.W., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2002). Computer generated freedom: searching not knowing. Proceedings of ITEC2002 (CD-Rom). Lille, April 9-11, 2002.
  34. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Overbeeke, C.J., & Wensveen, S.A.G. (2002). But how, Donald, tell us how? On the meaning in interaction design through feedforward and inherent feedback. Proceedings of DIS2002, 285-291.
  35. Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Buur, J. (2002). Look mama, with hands! On tangible interaction, gestures and learning. Proceedings of DIS2002, 417.
  36. Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, J.P., Hummels, C.C.M, and Wensveen S.A.G. (2002). Beauty in Usability: Forget about ease of use! In: W.S. Green & P.W. Jordan (Eds.) Pleasure with products: Beyond usability. Taylor & Francis, 9-18.
  37. Wensveen, S.A.G., Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, P.J., & Luxen, R. (2002). A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. How rich behavioural interaction opens up the experiential. Digital supplement of the UIST, 27-30 October 2002, Paris.
  38. Overbeeke, C.J., J. Djajadiningrat, S.A.G. Wensveen and C.C.M. Hummels (2001). From seeing to experience: From affordance to temptation. In: Gomringer E., & Laubstein, I. (Eds) Gestaltung macht Sinn. Macht Gestaltung Sinn? Ulm, IFG, 26-36.
  39. Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, J.P., Wensveen, S.A.G., Frens, J.W. (2001). Set me free, give me degrees of freedom. Proceedings of SSGRR 2001 (CD-ROM), L’Aquila 6-12 August.
  40. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Overbeeke, C.J., & Stappers, P.J. (2001). Cubby: A Unified Interaction Space for Precision Manipulation. Proceedings of ITEC2001 (CD-ROM). Lille, 24-26 April 2001.
  41. Hummels, C.C.M., Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2001). Knowing, doing and feeling: communicating with your digital products. Interdisziplinäres Kolleg Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Günne am Möhnesee, March 2-9 2001, 289-308.
  42. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Stappers, P.J., & Overbeeke, C.J. (2001). Cubby: A Unified Interaction Space for Precision Manipulation. Proceedings of Medicine Meets VR 2001, Newport Beach, January 24-27 2001, 129-135.
  43. Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, J.P., Wensveen, S.A.G., & Hummels, C.C.M. (2000). Neglected aspects of HCI: Fun, beauty and bodily interaction. Full day tutorial at OZCHI, Sydney, Australia.
  44. Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Gribnau, M.W. (2000). Cubby: Multiscreen Desktop VR Part III. MacTech, 16(12), 27-38.
  45. Gribnau, M.W., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2000). Cubby: Multiscreen Desktop VR Part II. MacTech, 16(11), 12-23.
  46. Djajadiningrat, J.P. & Gribnau, M.W. (2000). Cubby: Multiscreen Desktop VR Part I. MacTech, 16(9), 80-96.
  47. Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2000). 3D for free using the Mac’s Standard Apps. MacTech, 16(9), 12-21.
  48. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Gaver, W.W. and Frens, J.W. (2000). Interaction Relabelling and extreme characters: Methods for exploring aesthetic interactions. Proceedings of DIS’00, Designing Interactive Systems. ACM, New York, 66-71. Poster.
  49. Wensveen, S.A.G., Overbeeke, C.J., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2000). Touch me, hit me and I know how you feel. A design approach to emotionally rich interaction. Proceedings of DIS’00, Designing Interactive Systems. ACM, New York, 48-53.
  50. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Overbeeke, C.J. and Wensveen, S.A.G. (2000). Augmenting Fun and Beauty: A Pamphlet. Proceedings of DARE 2000: Designing Augmented Reality Environments. Helsingor, Denmark, 131-134. Poster.
  51. Djajadiningrat, J.P. (2000). Control freaks alert! A clean interface to Beehive Technologies’ ADB I/O using object-oriented Lingo. MacTech, 16(3), 20-35.
  52. Overbeeke, C.J., Djajadiningrat, J.P., Wensveen, S.A.G., & Hummels, C.C.M. (1999). Experiential and respectful. Proceedings of Useful and Critical, Helsinki.
  53. Gribnau, M.W., & Djajadiningrat, J.P. (1998, August). Desktop VR using QuickDraw 3D, Part II. Using the Pointing Device Manager to implement a head-tracked display. MacTech, 14(8), 26-34. Source code.
  54. Djajadiningrat, J.P., & Gribnau, M.W. (1998, July). Desktop VR using QuickDraw 3D, Part I. Using the View Plane Camera to implement a head-tracked display. MacTech, 14(7), 32-43. Source code.
  55. Djajadiningrat, J.P. (1998). Cubby: What you see is where you act. Interlacing the display and manipulation spaces. Doctoral dissertation. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
  56. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Overbeeke, C.J., & Smets, G.J.F. (1997). Cubby: a medical virtual environment based on multiscreen movement parallax. In K.S. Morgan et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 387-394. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  57. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Overbeeke, C.J., & Smets, G.J.F. (1997). The importance of the number of degrees of freedom for rotation of objects. Behavior and Information Technology, 16(6), 337-347.
  58. Djajadiningrat, J.P., Smets, G.J.F., & Overbeeke, C.J. (1997). Cubby: a multiscreen movement parallax display for direct manual manipulation. Displays, 17, 191-197.